Who we are!

2016's I & You cast and crew gather together for a group picture!
Back Row Theatre is all about family, fun, and opportunity. Back Row Theatre strives to give university level students the opportunity to continue their pursuit of theatre; it gives them the chance to work on and be in productions as well as provide the loving and freeing atmosphere that the performing arts offers. Not only does Back Row Theatre give these students back the creative outlet that so many of them had while in high school, it also prepares them in their pursuit for careers in acting by providing experience and knowledge about acting outside of school productions.
About Our Crew!

Artistic Director: Kimberly Coyle
Kimberly Coyle has been teaching for 10 years now and is the Olympic Heights Community High School Fine Arts Department Chair and Director of Theatre, where her students have won several Critic’s Choice Awards, were selected as One Act District Representative, and granted the opportunity to tour their mainstage productions of Lost in Yonkers and Black Comedy to the Florida State Thespian Festival in Tampa. Before this, she spent her time teaching at Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts where she directed the South Florida Cappie Award winning production of 45 Seconds from Broadway. Some of her recent experience includes directing productions for Showtime, Rising Starz Music Academy, Center Stage, and the Winter and Summer Play Festival at New Theatre in Miami. Kimberly is a graduate from Florida Atlantic University with bachelor's degrees in both Theatre and Media Studies and has been fortunate enough to work with theme parks such as The Walt Disney World Resort as a cast member in their entertainment department and aiding in the opening of Wannado City as an actress and venue coordinator. Back Row Theatre has always been a dream of Kimberly's and she is thankful to provide university level students an opportunity to continue to hone their craft and love of theatre.

Business Director: Kassandra Webb
Kassandra Webb began her career in the arts at a very young age. She has received training in acting and theater since childhood and decided to continue with this passion into adulthood. Since graduating as an alumni of Troupe 4992, she has pursued multiple jobs in South Florida theatre companies and after-school/summer camp programs with a focus in drama. Since the opening of the company, she is proud to say that Back Row Theatre has put on three successful and fun-filled shows. She is filled with excitement and optimism for the future and looks forward to several more opportunities, as well as expansion, for this company!